
Trial Date: 07/28/2011Trial Time:01:00 PM Trial Type: FELONY DISMISSAL DATE Trial Location:1400 E. NORTH AVE BALTIMORE 21213-1400

THIS IS THE LETTER SHE WROTE ABOUT ME.......dont send things to my FRIENDS!!!!

So, I’ve really contemplated about sending this. In the end, I am sending because I feel I need to. I am sending this to 5 people, all but 1 of you have known Rasheeda since before her birth. Please don’t feel compelled to reply, I am not seeking judgment for/from anyone nor am I gathering a “ posse” . I love Rasheeda.
May 30st Rasheeda informed me she had been beaten by an 18yr old female at the insistence of , direction of and in the presence of her mother, Kiki. ( in 'emails from daughter', it is the last email) Yes, Kiki stood there while Rasheeda was brutally beaten. I called 911 to no avail. The next day I took Rasheeda to the CPS offices. Here, she told her story and added her mother GAVE her “weed” to smoke. She was committed to foster care that afternoon and taken to JHH emergency room for her injuries. As you may recall I had custody of Rasheeda when she was 4yrs old when her mother lost custody. Because my name was in the system 24 yrs ago she could not be placed with me. If you are wondering why 10 yrs ago and not now, the law changed 10 weeks ago. Any history with CPS disqualifies you.

In a placement hearing June 2nd Kiki stated she feared for Rasheeda’s life with me, I didn’t really know Rasheeda, I spent no time with her and she’d trust the foster care system over me.

Kiki was charged with 2nd degree assault and 2nd degree child abuse the next day. She went to court on the 28th NOT about Rasheeda but for her preliminary hearing, the link is included. She was NOT there for Rasheeda at all. Her trial is July 28th. THAT’S why she is in foster care, her mother was charged again, with abuse.

This Tuesday July 12, 2011 we return to court for Rasheeda. I drained my savings and retained an attorney. Rasheeda is doing well, very well. She is already off many of the mind/body mood altering drugs her mother had her own. You all know Kiki has never worked, the only income they had for years was the disability check for Rasheeda. Well, she’s not as disabled as you’ve been told. There are many challenges ahead of her, and I am there! Was it my plan to raise a 14yr old? Absolutely not, Smitty is 30!! Have I always known this day was coming.. I would have to say yes.

If you are still reading, thank you for your friendship, support, love, and well wishes for her and me. Although Rasheeda clearly has some responsibilities in her life, l she is not the monster devil child even she herself has been told she is.

Keep us in your prayers...all of us.


KiKi's case http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/inquiry/inquiryDetail.jis?caseId=3B02113254&loc=3&detailLoc=DSCR


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